
Bridging the Gap:
We Connect Families and Schools with Autism Expertise.


Welcome to BCB Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to supporting children and caregivers of children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Kenya.

BCB Foundation empowers autistic children and families in Kenya, offering a comprehensive resource center with expert guidance, tailored tools, and a supportive community. We help navigate the spectrum, nurture individual potential, and advocate for inclusivity, building a brighter future where every child can thrive. Join us and illuminate the possibilities together.

Watch my podcast here: Real Dictators

Learn More About Us

Autisim Signs & Next Steps: A Parent's Quick Guide

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Learn the signs

Learn how to identify the signs, don’t wait.

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Newly Diagnosed

Steps to get you on the right path.

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Support Options

Evaluate evidence based services your child may need.

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As your child grows

A helpful guide for every phase of development.

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Our Report on Autism Awareness and Therapist Accreditation in Kenya..

Have you ever wondered what the support system is like for a child on the autism spectrum in Kenya?

We embarked on a journey to explore the world of autism in this vibrant nation. From recognising the early signs to finding the right therapies and building inclusive communities. In this report we’ll shed light on both challenges and opportunities.

Download the report and let’s build a brighter future for everyone, together.

Download A Free Copy
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Autism Inclusion Starts Here! Donate, Give, Volunteer

With your support, in any form, we can build inclusive classrooms, empower the next generation of autistic leaders, and rewrite the narrative of what it means to thrive on the spectrum. Every contribution, every hand raised, fuels the engine of progress:

Contribute Now

Where are you on your Autism journey?

No Two Paths Are Alike. Tell us where you are, and we'll guide you to the right resources.

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